We are now taking your orders through WhatsApp!

We are a young, dynamic group of visionary creatives who have chosen to use our God given gifts and skills to make a difference in our beloved Continent of Africa. We are biblically inspired by 2 Timothy 1:7 which says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”.

If you are like us, then you have likely experienced the lack of affordable and quality athletic leisure wear in the Kenyan & greater African market. We believe Africans deserve better than second hand or knock-off apparel to meet their fashion aspirations. We have not come this far as a people to continue to be consumers of second class products from the west. It’s time for us to also produce great products that the world can desire and consume.

We have dared to create a quality, local, fashion brand that serves the aspirations of Kenya’s growing middle class without breaking the bank.

Our Founders have over 20 years of experience in the apparel industry, with expertise on how to deliver affordable, stylish products without compromising quality. Our design team has a combined 30 years design experience in the fashion industry, balancing technical design understanding with fashion acumen.

Our inaugural Nuera Shine 1.0 series offers comfort, style, and affordability.